FDI Control 2024

26 June 2024

Exploring the impact of Foreign Direct investment (FDI) controls on cross-border M&A transactions

26 June 2024
8:30 am
MEDEF, 55 avenue Bosquet,
75007 Paris


Regulatory Plenary Session - comparative discussion between regulatory representatives on FDI Control


  • Joachim Pohl

    Head, International Investment Governance team, Investment Division, OECD


  • Thomas Ernoult

    CIEF (Bureau du contrôle des investissements étrangers) France

  • Damien Levie

    Head of the Technology & Security, FDI Screening Unit at the Directorate General for Trade, European Commission

  • Nicoletta Giordani

    Principal Director of Global Investment and Economic Security (GIES) in the Office of the Secretary of Defense

Workshop Series 1

Workshop 1: Foreign Direct Investment in the Context of a Screening


  • Marie-Anne Lavergne

    Rapporteure, Comité Interministériel de Restructuration Industrielle (CIRI)


Workshop 2: Global Trends in FDI Control



  • Mathias Audit

    Law Professor at Sorbonne Law School - Partner at Audit Duprey Fekl

Workshop 3: Defence


  • Pascal Bine

    Partner, Mergers & Acquisitions, Capital Markets, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom

  • Maxime Lefebvre

    Former ambassador, Professor of International relations, ESCP Business School


  • Irina Von Wiese

    Lawyer, Academic, former MEP and Councillor in the London Borough of Southwark

Coffee Break

Workshop Series 2

Workshop 4: Economic Sovereignty – Outbound Investments

  • Damien Levie

    Head of the Technology & Security, FDI Screening Unit at the Directorate General for Trade, European Commission


  • Sandrine Clavel

    Professor of Private Law and Criminal Sciences, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin

Workshop 5: Energy


Workshop 6: Restructuring

  • Pierre-Oliver Chotard

    Secrétaire Général du CIRI, sous-directeur adjoint en charge du financement des entreprises

  • Arnaud Joubert

    Partner - Debt Advisory & Restructuring chez Rothschild & Co

  • Brian Reissaus

    Former career lead for CFIUS, Acting Assistant Secretary for Investment Security, and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Investment Security Operations


  • Edmond Schlumberg

    Professeur de Droit privé - Université Paris 1 - Ecole de Droit de la Sorbonne - Conseil scientifique Gide


Workshop Series 3

Workshop 7: Health


Workshop 8: Technology

  • Brian Reissaus

    Former career lead for CFIUS, Acting Assistant Secretary for Investment Security, and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Investment Security Operations


  • Steffen Hindelang

    Int'l Investment and Trade Law, EU Law, German Public Law | Professor | ICSID arbitrator | Legal expert advisor on investment disputes and regulation | Director CELIS Institute

Workshop 9: FDI Filings in Multiple Jurisdictions

  • Farhad Jalinous

    Global Head of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Reviews & US National Security/CFIUS Practice at White & Case LLP

  • Damien Levie

    Head of the Technology & Security, FDI Screening Unit at the Directorate General for Trade, European Commission


  • Pierre Berlioz

    Private law Dir Europe international, UIMM Pdt / Sustainable Finance and ESG reporting Committee, Medef former Advisor, Min. Justice

FDI Control Forum Team

  • Lars Goubet-Wolff

    FDI Control Forum Conselor, Chief of staff to the Executive Vice-President & Dean of ESCP

FDI Controls on Cross Border M&A Transactions



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